if you have followed Microsoft’s “Add a custom pipelines task extension” it does a great Job on giving you the basics of how you can create a new NodeJS custom pipelines task, and it gives a very good starting point …
Automation is to DevOps as a telescope is to astronomy. Besides black art, there is only automation and mechanization. Federico García Lorca (1898–1936), Spanish poet and playwright I created Azure DevOps Custom Pipeline Tasks for a while. In time environment …
I spend some of my time on Console. Frequently I use several CLI tools dotnet, kubectl, git, gh, and docker are just a few examples.Net Cli tool helps us to create our cli executables, but you can simply ask, “why …
If you are interested in DevOps, Agile and position of IT Management on this new agile world a Seat at the Table is a must read a few Quotes I really like Agile thinking simply says that we should empower …